Even during a period of cautious investment we have been able to execute a couple of interesting contracts this year:
- A few days ago we commissioned a complete rolls and buns production line for a major Czech bakery company, as well as a one-of-its-kind line for the industrial production of breadcrumbs.
- We are finishing the manufacture of complete machinery for the germination unit of a malt plant with the total output of 100,000 tonnes of malt per year for a French customer. The order includes the delivery of a turner and discharging machine of the original Mopos concept in stainless steel modification, including automatic control.
- In June this year, we commissioned another baking machine of the original Mopos design of a roll production line for one of our Slovakian customers.
- We are currently manufacturing equipment for the complete reconstruction and modernization of the bun and bagel production line, including automatic control, for our major Czech customer.
- We are completing the assembly of a complex bread production line to the storey ovens for a Polish customer.
- We have already manufactured and been preparing for shipment, a newly designed conveyor with dusting and take-back equipment which will supplement the previously delivered continuous bread production line for another Polish customer.
- We are continuously producing and promptly delivering other rounders, moulders and bread counters.
- Production of another specialised form-bread production line for a Polish customer is underway with a delivery date in last quarter of 2023.
- Our weldment division is also performing quite well; on year-round basis we continuously supply parts for power industry equipment to our major customers in Italy and France. In addition to the regular and for us very attractive orders, which balance the stability of our company, another important order is certainly worth mentioning: 40 pieces of special thick-walled switchboard cabinets requiring high-precision machining. These cabinets are part of electrical switchboards for oil refineries and completed by our major French customer.
- We are also intensively preparing for the next year, starting with the next stage of delivery of malting equipment for our French customer, bread production lines for selected Polish customers and certainly not forgetting our domestic and Slovak bakers.
- We are continuously working on a number of new products, innovations and new machines.
- Of course, we will continue to supply special precision-machined weldments for our major customers in Italy and France.
We are confident that this proven mix of our product range, which spans a variety of sectors, will continue to ensure our stability and prosperity in the future.